
It’s Been a While

It’s been a while since I’ve been on this blog.

Like a long time.

What hasn’t happened since I’ve blogged is more the question than what has happened since I’ve blogged.

Still in the middle of a pandemic. Still being safer at home. Still reading books. Still listening to podcasts. Still eating lots of snacks. Still making handmade cards (buying them is just so expensive!). Still going on walks. Still cleaning my house all the time. Still knitting. Still worrying about the world.

Things that are different? Graduated from my master’s degree. Stopped coaching soccer. Stopped working at a coffee shop/book store. Stopped seeing friends and family. Stopped dreaming of going to Italy. Stopped seeing my parents’ dog as she was put down in March. Stopped spending money out at restaurants.

Things that are changing? Getting a puppy in two weeks (yahoo!). Thinking of starting a different blog with a friend. Not looking forward to the Arctic temperatures that are soon to be. Getting furniture for our house after a year of living here. Getting into country music.

Whatever it may be, I am here.

And I hope you are too.