I Am Still Standing Tall

There was a snow storm yesterday in Minnesota. Like any storm, there is the anticipation of the storm, the storm, and then the remains.

As my husband worked across from me in our four season porch, I looked out into the back yard.

Trees jostled in the anticipatory winds. The branches swayed and shook, bounced and wavered. The trunk standing tall against the wind and the unseen roots keeping the foundation. And I thought to myself, The wind shakes the branches and the tree is sturdy. No matter how hard the wind blows, the tree will stand tall. The wind might be great enough to snap a Branch off of the tree, but when the season comes, the tree will grow another.

You know when you have one of those moment where all the thoughts, emotions, and situations in your life come together?

Yeah. This was one of those.

Even if I don’t get the job I wanted, I am standing tall.  Even if the winds of uncertainty trashes at my branches, I am standing tall. Even if the thoughts of imperfection, shame, and doubt knock down a couple branches, I am still standing tall.

All of these things can hurt me by breaking down a branch or two, but I will never be taken down. The seasons will grow new branches and form new buds. There is a cycle to heartbreak and sorrow and there is a time to heal and grow.

When winds strike down my branches, I am still standing tall.


One thought on “I Am Still Standing Tall

  1. Pingback: Branches (the essence in all) | Blogged With Words

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